Chaos. Debris. Destruction. This Is Your Big Boy...

Introducing Matter Mayhem, our most extensive and meticulously crafted sound library to date. When your project demands the highest quality debris, destruction, bomb blasts, and chaos, look no further than Matter Mayhem. This comprehensive library offers an unparalleled selection of high-definition sound effects recorded from multiple perspectives, featuring a wide array of materials to suit any project's needs. Our dedicated team of sound designers and recordists devoted over six months to capturing and creating these exceptional sound effects, both in the field and in the studio. We've left no stone unturned in our pursuit of delivering the most realistic and versatile soundscapes of earth-shattering devastation. Matter Mayhem is the ultimate resource for those seeking the perfect auditory accompaniment for action-packed video games, blockbuster films, or intense television dramas. Experience the sheer power and nuance of Matter Mayhem, and let the sonic destruction elevate your project to new heights.

Behind The Scenes of Matter Mayhem

Library Information

Sound Categories

Near Distance Perspectives


Medium Distance Perspectives


Far Distance Perspectives


Big Blow Ups - Stoney Structures


Big Blow Ups - Wood Structures


Bomb Blasts


Blow Ups - Stone, Pebble, Metal, Wood


Debris - Stone, Wood, Glass, Plastic




Scaffold Impacts


Whoosh Objects


Designed Debris


First Person Debris


Metal Objects


UCS - Universal Category System file names + Soundminer & Basehead Metadata

Tech Specs
  • 24bit / 96kHz .wav
  • 1,500+ Sound Files
  • 5.75 GB Size
  • UCS - Universal Category System file names + Soundminer & Basehead Metadata

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Matt Pi.

'Matter Mayhem' is sheer chaos captured in sound. This library is a treasure trove of meticulously crafted mayhem, featuring a diverse array of destruction and impact sounds. Perfect for creators seeking intense, visceral audio elements to amplify chaos in their projects.

Joe Si.

An awesome resource for both game audio sfx and foley creation. I have used this pack countless times.

Sameer Ud.

Explosions with a personality ! No just noisy kabooms ...very well designed

Serban Ma.

Very useful library at a great price. Covers a lot of ground for destruction/debris and explosion layers. If things need to fall or get smashes, you might consider this library :D

Tommi Ha.

Extensive collection on debris and related impacts. Very useful in various settings and a wonderful amount of variations. Includes plenty of difficult recording scenarios to save you time on a deadline!