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Dive into our cutting-edge sound effects libraries and sound design software.


“SoundMorph’s libraries are very well done and inventive. They are not only a lot of fun to listen through, but fun to use as well. The software tools are much more than libraries — they're library MAKERS. Keep 'em coming!"

- David Farmer | Supervising Sound Editor
Skywalker Sound, The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, King Kong

“SoundMorph libraries, such as Sinematic, Future Weapons and Users of Tomorrow, have become some of my go-to source effects for much of my work on trailers and animation. You simply can't go wrong with SoundMorph.”

- Russell Gorsky | Trailer Sound Effects Editor
Transformers 4, Oblivion, Zero Dark Thirty, Star Trek: Into Darkness

“SoundMorph’s Dust and TimeFlux are essential tools in my sound design arsenal. These guys are making sound sculpting tools like no one else. Love SoundMorph’s stuff!"

- BT | Composer
Peter Gabriel, Depeche Mode, NSYNC, Tori Amos, Madonna