  • DUST
  • Wave Warper 2
  • TimeFlux
  • Evil Twin
  • Galactic Assistant
  • DR01D


Binaural Granular Synthesizer

Version 1.2.5 - Now with Apple Silicon (M1/M2) Support! DUST creates a sonic soundscape never thought possible before. When you start creating with it, you will see just what it means to spend joyful hours exploring its capabilities.

Wave Warper 2

Wave Warper 2 - More Warped. More Wicked. More Incredible. Your Sound-Morphed. Now in VST3, AAX, AU plugin format. Apple Silicon Supported!


Time Redefined

TimeFlux: the ultimate time stretching, morphing, and spectral effects processing software. Stretch, Pitch & Morph Your Sounds To Infinity

Galactic Assistant

Advanced UI Synth

Galactic Assistant is the first synthesizer software specifically made for creating hi-tech interface sounds.


Free Retro Sci-Fi Synth.

DRO1D is our homage to retro sci-fi robots

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